
Welcome to the new ANDREA’S LEGACY website.  

Once you read about who we are and what we are doing with this site, you will know what you need to know.  Should you be able to help us with a donation, there is a button you can click. We don’t have large fundraisers, nor do we flood your mailboxes with requests for donations. We do have small fundraisers two or three times a year like a Super Bowl pot and a couple of raffles. We mostly rely on your good will and voluntary good will.  Once in a while, we will have a formal campaign to raise funds but it is not someting we do regularly.  Every dollar we raise, we give away to public school teachers. None of us who work year round raising funds take any  of those funds for ourselves. In other words, we do not get paid to do this.

Thank you for viewing this page. We ask that you consider sending us a small donation, whatever you can afford. The small donations accumulate and help us help teachers across the country.  If you have any questions, please contact us through the media platforms and addresses listed on the website. We are also on FaceBook at andreaslegacy.

The name of this site is